Luna职场 | 360° 匿名反馈

July 13, 2023 字数 2063 5 min

0. 前言


这个月是 2023H1 的绩效考核周期,我照常要写自评,以及我所管理的团队成员的评价。

除此之外,我还主动给自己增加了一个维度的评价,360° 匿名反馈。

我们公司用的考核系统是 Small Improvement,这个网站提供一个叫做 Anytime Feedback 的功能,我可以邀请公司同事给我写评价,自定义题目。

1. The Why

第一次给自己主动「加料」是在 2022 年,当时受到《原则》以及 MTP 课程的双重影响,特别想要了解自己的优势和盲区,而光靠直属上级给我 Feedback,我觉得是远远不够的。

这个想法和行动算是「第一个吃螃蟹」的那种类型,因为「正常人」都只想完成公司要求的绩效考评,没有人会没事找事给自己搞个 360° 评价(至少我们公司没有)。



第一次的 360° 评价成功收集到了 6 个反馈,第二次收集到了 8 个,第三次(也就是刚刚结束的这个周期)我收集到了 11 个反馈。





2. The Who

360° 问卷的受众是谁?


  1. 我的直属下属;
  2. 我的团队成员;
  3. 和我平级的 Team Lead(同部门);
  4. 经常合作的跨部门业务同事;
  5. 经常合作的跨部门老大;

基本上每次我都会邀请 10-20 个同事,回复率大概是 50%。

这次我除了以上同事之外,还邀请了 C level 的人来给我 feedback,因为我职责的变化,跟这个 level 的人接触也非常密切。

3. The What


  1. What did Luna do well?
  2. What are the areas Luna can improve on?

4. The Result

What did Luna do well?

Get Things Done

  • Hardworking and dependable for business-critical, time-sensitive tasks.
  • Great problem solving, identifying path of least resistance to achieve client deliverables
  • Providing technical advice to CSM team on possible solutions to client issues

Team Management

  • Luna is always willing to help, not only people in her team but also outside, and always with a great attitude!
  • Manage team members in a fair manner with the right level of carrot and stick
  • Luna manages her team well and despite the pressure from all directions, she is able to prioritize the work and get it done!
  • Sincere in efforts to relate-to and connect with their colleagues.
  • Consistent in checking-in with team members on mood/sentiment.
  • Generous with their time when helping team members and unblocking client PBIs.
  • Pro-active when sharing acclaim for team members’ hard work.
  • Actually interested in people’s development and pain points.
  • Helpful and approachable, and professional

Energy, Growth Mindset & Leadership

  • Continuous improvement mindset - always looking to improve process with a solid growth mindset
  • Hungry to grow and learn new things
  • Luna is an excellent leader and manager.
  • Low-ego, no-blame style of management.
  • Being a good role model for the team: she is very euthanistic about learning new things and she was the first to get the azure certification
  • Really appreciate her support and dedication to the team. Her positive energy is contagious and keeps us motivated
  • Very positive attitude through all engagements
  • Being an awesome friend :)
  • She is very positive and makes others who work with her more positive.

Process, Structure & Organization

  • Approach things in a structured manner that is repeatable
  • She is organized and planned things well. She has an approach to everything that she does and would take time to reflect on where the team is at now, and how she can improve the work to make it more efficient.
  • Luna is highly organised and structure is her friend. She creates new processes, manages existing ones and thrives when simplifying complexity down to bitesize, digestible pieces. She’s highly capable and has turned the Platform team into a successful well-oiled machine! Her charisma and drive is inspiring and her commitment a true example to others.
  • Diligent oversight of platform stream processes.
  • Great organisation and scheduling of resources to achieve client deliverables
  • Documentation and coordination on complex PBIs and deliverables
  • Luna is very well-organised; she organised her time well and her team while continuously improving the process.
  • She is a very systematic individual who ensures processes are followed diligently, but at the same time is able to remain flexible to accommodate any changes necessary for the best results for Resonate and its clients. Her holistic approach allows her to account for things beyond the scope of her own work. Overall, she is an invaluable, reliable asset to the team.

Product Management

  • Luna is doing an incredible work managing Tome, from releases, rollouts, planning. She is very committed in scaling and improving Tome, so we have a more reliable product, faster onboardings and ultimately a better user experience for our customers.
  • The way Luna is managing and making improvements to Product Rollout for our clients is really important, was something that we were lacking, and we can see from the last product rollouts that this is being really helpful, for example the xxxxxxxxxxxxx. It’s really important that we are aligned as a team and have a clear strategy in how we’ll rollout the latest features to our clients, and Luna is pushing the team to not forget this.
  • Passionate and dedicated advocate for Tome and the Tome end user.
  • Very well organised and is basically being a product manager for Tome on top of her normal job
  • Starting to force the CSMs and Product team to take responsibility on organisation of priority of work and standards for Product Rollout

What are the areas Luna can improve on?

Cross-Function Collaboration

  • As sometimes projects involve many people from diĻerent departments, there’s still room for improvement in her communication skills. But overall, it’s a very pleasant experience working with her.
  • Would be great if the design/product team could work closer with Luna to be aligned on prioritisation and future roadmap of the platform team

Business & Strategy

  • Luna is in the process of developing her leadership skills, being able to stand her ground in a way that gets the right level of buy-in for her proposed solutions is a key point she can work on. Growing her understanding of the business as a whole is a second point that would benefit Luna to grow in, as this leans in well to the overall planning, impact and strategic goals to bring business and tech together.
  • Growing business related skills - This will also allow her to be a leader that drives business outcomes.
  • Asking more questions about the “why” and worrying less about the “how” - because the how is already a good strength

Grow People

  • Making leaders out of her people (this is a journey), so seeing how people can grow and thrive and how quickly she can create superstars by treating special/talented people with the right focus, not everyone is going to fit the process
  • Sharing her workload with the team, i.e. getting team to play an active role in Tech Qualification, creating champions in teams and delegate tasks to them

5. My Takeaways

  1. 同事们的反馈可以帮我做一个很好的自我校准,让我清晰地知道自己目前所处的位置,这样我既不会陷入「冒充者综合征」,也不会「自嗨」;
  2. 与其担心做不好而拒绝尝试,不如自告奋勇去做,然后边做边学边问边总结,解决一个现实中真实存在的问题,比纸上谈兵或者看各种网课来的要有效得多(比如 Product Owner 这个 role 是我自己要求做的,在做的过程中也成长了很多);
  3. 工作不光要努力,还要动脑,这种类型的反馈可以帮助我知道自己在哪里,但是下一步要怎么走,我要怎么扩大自己的 scope 和影响力,这些都需要我自己去琢磨,把握机会
  4. 保持开放、谦虚、自信的心态,去迎接挑战,去认真对待手头的每一件事情,去帮助别人,去建立信任,自然有志同道合的人会看到你,并且帮助你一起达成共同的目标,做的事情 impact 越大,越需要依靠团队的力量来「成事」。

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