Luna思 | 如何成为有效的管理者

May 15, 2021 字数 4052 9 min

0. 前言

这周我参加了一个长达 3 小时的 training,主题是 How to be an effective manager,本文记录我的 takeaway 和思考。

Training 是英文,所以我会用中英混杂的方式来记录。

1. Agenda

  1. What is a manager?
  2. How to avoid being a horrible boss?
  3. Managing performance
  4. Give feedback

2. 什么是 manager

又回到了 management 和 leadership 的区别上,但是主讲人并没有强调两者的区别,也和我的理解一致(这两者的界限越来越模糊,manager 不是单独做好 management 就行的,manager 也需要 leadership)。

Management 看似简单(只需要让别人把事情做完就行了),但是别忘了,你的下属也在评价你,假如你没有一定的影响力,在他们的心目中是个只会发号施令的 manager,那么不好意思,你推动事情一定会很难。


  • Task oriented
  • Resource and objective perspective
  • Often more formally defined
  • Control-based
  • Details focus
  • The “what”, “when” and “how”


  • People oriented
  • Motivation and mission perspective
  • May be organic or loosely defined
  • Influence-based
  • Big picture
  • The “why”

Managment/Leadership style


3 类 Management

  1. Autocratic(啥都管)
  2. Democratic(民主型)
  3. Laissez-Faire(啥也不管)

5 种 Management

  1. Suggestive
  2. Attentive
  3. Directive
  4. Investigative
  5. Instructive

6 种 Management

  1. Autocratic
  2. Consultative
  3. Persuasive
  4. Democratic
  5. Chaotic
  6. Laissez Faire

10 种 management

  1. Autocratic(啥都管)
    1. Authoritative
    2. Persuasive
    3. Paternalistic
  2. Democratic(民主型)
    1. Consultative
    2. Participative
    3. Collaborative
    4. Transformational
    5. Coaching
  3. Laissez-Faire(啥也不管)
    1. Delegative
    2. Visionary


那么,你应该成为哪种 manager 呢?



假如你还在纠结自己应该成为哪种风格的 manager,那么别纠结了,你需要想的是,如何在不同的情况下用最合适的方式去处理团队的问题,如何更好的达成团队的目标,如何让团队成员能被激励并且获得个人成长。





When people are stressed their management style will shift.


  • 你和你的下属都是人。

3. The Human Factor


你可以想想,你之前遇到的 manager 里面有没有很糟糕的。


People remember negative experiences first and forever.

如果没有负面例子的话,你也可以想想正面例子:那些好的 manager 都做了什么,让你对他们有正面的印象?




  1. You are human
  2. You have ego
  3. You have blind spots
  4. Not everyone will like you
  5. You will screw stuff up
  6. You will have off days


  1. Your people are human
  2. They have ego
  3. They have blind spots
  4. You won’t always like them
  5. They will screw stuff up
  6. They will have off days

Ego is the enemy

假如管理者的自尊心太强,那么 TA 可能会往两个方向发展:

  1. 利用自己的权力去要求别人按照指令做事;
  2. 没有安全感,总觉得配不上这个位置;
  1. Share the spotlight:别以为所有人都在看你,其实他们更关心的是自己,spotlight effect 指的是太过在意别人对你的看法。同时,你也要慷慨地让别人成为焦点,share the credit,不吝啬表扬你的团队成员。

    Remember other people are not looking at you as much as you think, people don’t care that much.

  2. 倾听能力:你不需要知道所有问题的答案,假如你不知道,你可以说我不知道,你不需要回答所有的问题,但是你可以去倾听别人的问题和困惑(这里需要用到的是 coaching 的技巧)。

  3. 成长型思维:你和你的下属都在成长,不要用固定的思维去看待自己和他人;

  4. 接受失败的能力:你需要能够接受自己和下属的失败,harness them, not punish them,关注你们能从失败中学到什么,而不是去抱怨或者谴责别人。

  5. 公平对待下属:在你的下属中你一定会有更喜欢的那个,这是我们的人性使然,但我们要时刻提醒自己,保持公平,不要因为个人喜好而对下属做出不公正的事情。

We judge ourselves on our intentions, and others on their actions.

  • Stephen R. Covey, The Speed of Trust



  1. Meet people where they are; get to know them
  2. Start with trust and assume good intention
  3. Create safety before requestion action
  4. Acknowledge and engage with discomfort
  5. Ask questions before making accusations
  6. Acknowledge and manage power dynamics
  7. Facilitate their goals and opportunities
  8. Default to ‘yes’
  9. If you say no to something, offer reasons and alternatives
  10. Model behaviours you want to see
  11. Be authentic, not filmsy(浮夸的)
  12. Celebrate


  1. 假如是新官上任,不要急着搞三把火,要先去了解团队中每个人的情况,尊重他们;有些团队顽疾可能在你来之前就有了,这不是你的问题,但你必须要了解这些事情并尝试用合适的方式解决或改进;

  2. 在让别人听你的话之前,先让他们有安全感和归属感,make it safe for people to talk;

  3. 根据团队成员的特点和个人目标来调整自己的领导风格,有些人为了钱而工作,有些人为了成就感而工作,有些人为了权力而工作,你要了解他们想要什么,害怕什么,才能更好地管理;

some people work for life, some people live to work, some people are in between, give them what they want.

  1. 超过 5 个人的团队不可能是 flat structure,即使他们说自己是扁平化管理,事实上也是有 hierarchy 的,power dynamics is real(所以别上班第一天就傻傻地把老板当成兄弟);

  2. 好的 manager 是能够帮助别人完成他们的目标,获得他们的个人成长的;

A bad manager sees their people as resources to achieve their objectives, a good manager sees himself as resources to help other people achieve their objectives.

  1. 假如团队成员有一些 initiative,你默认的回答应该是 “yes”,但回答 “yes” 不代表你就放手让他们去干了,你还是要给出一些限制条件(比如这个 report 可以你来做,但是写好了先发给我 review);
  2. 假如你必须说 no,给出原因和备选方案;
  3. 假如你希望你的团队成员积极进取,那么你最好也是这样的人,用你的行动来做出榜样;
  4. 当团队成员出现问题的时候,我们往往会马上着手去解决;但是别忘了,当团队成员做了值得称赞的事情时,我们也要给出表扬,say things that are going well, not just focus on bad things,团队士气是很重要的;

4. Managing Performance



  • break it down and plan it out
  • share and communicate
  • be on time and be reliable
  • be accessible and available
  • model self-care and downtime


  • make the objectives and parameters clear
  • explain the context and rationale (the “why”)
  • have them articulate their understanding
  • agree on a plan and check in points
  • be firm on the results; flexible on the process


好的管理者必须要擅长授权和分配任务,假如你给出的指令是模糊的,下属最终给到的 result 很可能不是你想要的,而这是你的问题,是你需要去改进的地方。

Tell them the what, not the how. Make the objective clear.



假如 task 很复杂,你们必须要有一个一致同意的 plan 和 checkpoint。


  • Be firm on the results; be flexible on the process.


  1. I need you to xxx. It needs to be completed by xxxx.
  2. We need to do this because xxxx. I’m asking you because xxxx.
  3. Here are the parameters and constraints we’ll need to work within <具体的条件>. Beyond these, I’m happy for you to tackle the task as you see fit.
  4. I’d like to see a plan/draft or check in on xxx. Is that ok?
  5. Can you tell me your understanding of the task so I can ensure I’ve given you all the right information? (千万别问:Do you understand the task? 大概率是 yes..)
  6. What ideas and questions do you have at this point?

如何管理绩效不佳的下属 Uplifting performance

  1. Agree the process and format together
  2. Be prepared and take it seriously
  3. Allow space for them to reflect and aspire
  4. Set clear timelines and expectations
  5. Provide the tools and inputs for them to succeed
  6. Don’t wait for formal review cycles to deliver feedback!


你需要做的是,让 manangement 成为一个有益于下属的过程,你要去思考,哪些事情是能够让你和团队双方获益的。

在确立目标的时候,用 SMART 方法,明确指出你的 measurement 和想要的 result。

You cannot manage what you don’t measure.

You cannot achieve what you don’t action.

If you don’t make time, you won’t have time.


管理者也要懂得教练思维,7 个常用的问题是:

  1. What’s on your mind?
  2. And what else?
  3. What’s the real challenge here for you?
  4. What do you want?
  5. How can I help?
  6. If you’re saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?
  7. What was most useful fo you?


有些人总是喜欢责怪外界和环境,觉得自己啥也没错,对于这种人,千万别问:How can I help? 因为他们有一千种方式让你来帮助他们,你需要问的是 What do you need to succeed? 也就是你能做什么来获得你想要的结果,把重心放在他们自己身上。

这样你就可以接着问:What is stopping you from doing that?

5. Feedback



Avoidance never works.

There is no way around tension, conflict, misunderstandings or poor performance.

You have to go through.

It sometimes sucks. Do it anyway. Your only alternative is to let it fester and send a message to others that you are not going to act to mitigate undesirable situations.

Radical candour is respectful and clear, and opens a conversation.

Feedback Models

  1. SBI: Situation, Behavior, Impact
  2. Pendleton Rules
  3. Johari Window
  4. SWOT
  5. Feedback sandwich
  6. I statement

Feedback sandwich

The sandwich method is a form of feedback that wraps negative feedback in praise. This means that the feedback discussion starts with positive comments, and is followed by negative criticism, before appreciative words are used again.

你需要根据对方的情况来选择给 Feedback 的方式,有些人喜欢直接的,有些人喜欢 Feedback Sandwich,不要拘泥于一种方法,Give what is effective to the individual.


SBI-framed feedback

这个模型的重点在于即时给出反馈,即时性可以保护 manager,避免陷入一些「我认为你做了但你没做」的争议中。


  1. Determine the rules of engagement during “peace time” (当双方有情绪的时候,不要讨论事实)
  2. Consider timing, space, context and optics
  3. Allow them to mentally prepare (but not too long)
  4. Be calm, clear and specific
  5. Focus on controllable or actionable aspects
  6. Use questions to avoid assumptions and soften criticism
  7. Write things down and share it back

如何处理 difficult conversations

  • 选择合适的时间、地点和参与者(你不光要考虑自己,也要考虑对方);
  • Be direct, firm and brief, but create safety, avoid attack and share responsibility where appropriate.
  • 承认这是一个 difficult conversation,你也不希望这样的事情发生,但是你们必须要谈这个问题;
  • 问一些开放性问题,允许对方表达他们的观点(根据谈话场景选择使用);
  • 用一个合适的 feedback model 来分享你的观点;
  • 明确说出你希望达成的结果,让对方知道你的预期,问对方需要怎样的 support,但不要让对方觉得问题不在他们身上(把责任引到自己的身上),因为他们还是那个问题的 owner。
  • 把所有的东西都用书面形式写下来,谈话结束之后尽快跟他们分享书面内容。

6. 推荐阅读

7. 结语


  1. 承认自己和下属都是凡人;
  2. 了解自己在压力大的情况下会有怎样的不同,告诉下属在这种情况下他们应该怎么做;
  3. 了解下属的目标和个性,帮助他们达成个人目标,建立良好的关系和双方的安全感;
  4. 及时给出正面和负面反馈(根据下属的情况调整反馈的方式);
  5. 不要逃避一些让自己不舒服的谈话,有些事情必须要做,即使我不想做,也必须做;

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