Luna记 | 疫情下的澳洲(14)

February 20, 2022 字数 1265 3 min

0. 重返办公室

去年 7 月开始在家上班,8 月打完了两针辉瑞疫苗,11 月 - 12 月回公司上了几天班,然后过完圣诞澳洲的疫情就全面失控,继续在家宅着。

随着 booster(加强针)的推进,以及国境的开放,澳洲也决定与病毒共存了。


这周三,我打了第三针疫苗,听说 Moderna(莫德纳)比辉瑞更强力一些,于是乎选择了这款。

反应比前面两针更大一些,最明显的就是疲劳+肌肉酸痛,持续了大约 4 天,打完疫苗的第二天我吃了两次 panadol,接下来的几天属于比较萎靡不振的状态。

这波疫情新州每天的死亡人数约 20-40 人,确诊最多的时候(1 月 12 日)9.2w 人,今天确诊 5539.

身边得过 covid 的人越来越多了,听说确实比普通感冒要严重,尤其是奥密克戎这款病毒造成的咳嗽会比较厉害,药房的喉糖成了抢手货。

内心 OS:如果能选择,我还是想宅在家里……

1. 疫情与世界


今天读 Ray Dalio 的 Work & Life Principle,他提到了自己和各国政要之间有一些私交,并且说,政治和普罗大众的想象相距甚远,每个国家都按照自己的利益行事,一个国家的不同政党也是在各自代表的不同利益之间寻求妥协,把共同利益和美好愿景放在第一位只是媒体的宣传和人们不切实际的想象,即使是怀揣着改变世界的美好梦想的理想主义者政治家,也往往会在实践中看着自己的梦想破灭。


…. Countries behave in a more self-interested and less considerate way than what most of us would consider appropriate for individuals. When countries negotiate with one another, they typically operate as if they are opponents in a chess match or merchants in a bazaar in which maximizing one’s own benefit is the sole objective. Smart leaders know their own countries’ vulnerabilities, take advantage of others’ vulnerabilities, and expect the other countries’ leaders to do the same.

Most people who haven’t had direct contact with the leadership of their own and other countries form their views based on what they learn in the media, and become quite naive and inappropriately opinionated as a result. … Also, in some cases “journalists” have their own ideological biases that they are trying to advance. As a result, most people who see the world through the lens of the media tend to look for who is good and who is evil rather than what the vested interests and relative powers are and how they are being played out. …

These conflicts of vested interests don’t just play out internationally; it can also be nasty within countries. Finding out what’s true and trying to do what’s in everyone’s best interests is rare, though most policymakers pretend that’s what they’re doing. More typically, they act in support of their constituents’ interests. ….

… Most policymakers are highly principled people who are forced to operate in unprincipled environments. The job of a policymaker is challenging under the best of circumstances, and it’s almost impossible during a crisis. The politics are horrendous and distortions and outright misinformation from the media make things worse. … Unfortunately, most policymakers enter their careers as idealists and leave disillusioned.







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