Luna摘记 | Born to Win

July 1, 2021 字数 1993 4 min

0. 前言



Born to Win: Find Your Success Code



GoodReads: 4.21/5,出版于 2012 年。



Zig Ziglar,1926 年出生,2012 年去世,是一个演讲家、老师、培训师,写了一系列的畅销书。

1. 成功者必需的品质

1.1 有明确的目标 (vision/goal)

你需要知道自己为什么制定了这个目标,这个目标对你而言究竟意味着什么、有怎样的价值,只有把 “Why” 想明白,你才有可能去执行你的计划,完成你的目标。

Finding value and purpose in what you do energizes you. So, ask yourself: Why do you want to achieve your goals? And how will they improve your life and the lives of others? By answering these questions, you’ll uncover the value and purpose that will keep you working enthusiastically.

1.2 发自内心的渴望 (desire)

区分 winner 和 loser 的最关键要素是什么呢?



成功者 expect to win,并且会做好计划和准备工作去实现他们的愿景。


Motivation 来自 desire,欲望足够强大,就有足够的动力去做艰苦的工作,去承受更多的压力,而这也是成功的必经之路。

Desire is what motivates people to do the hard work that leads to winning.

1.3 决心和毅力 (commitment and perseverance)

Once you have desire, it sparks two qualities that keep you working toward your vision: commitment and perseverance.

Commitment 有点难翻译,直译是承诺,也有人说是持久的决心。我个人的理解就是:说到做到。

假如我说这个 task 下周五之前能完成,那么我就要保证那个时间完成。

Commitment keeps you focused and consistent in chasing down your vision – you’ll do everything you need in order to succeed.

而 Perseverance 是坚持不懈的意思,也就是不管在实现 commitment 的时候遇到了什么困难,我都会尽力完成自己的承诺,坚持走下去,直到达成目标。

Perseverance is what keeps you going even when the road gets rough, which it inevitably will. Think about it, when you experience setbacks or challenges, you have to be able to press on. Otherwise, your vision will never materialize.

1.4 做好准备 (Prepare to win)

Having the right knowledge helps you identify opportunities and find ways to overcome challenges. As part of your preparation on the path to winning, establish a habit of learning and building on your knowledge. Individuals who keep growing in knowledge are the ones who succeed.

  1. 持续学习:You can do this by regularly setting time aside to learn something relevant to your vision and goals.
  2. 学以致用:Practice applying your knowledge and skills, this gives you a chance to master new information and increase your confidence.
  3. 找到导师:Seeking advice from people who are wiser and have achieved success themselves improves your chances of winning.

1.5 保持精神、思想、身体的全面健康


To expect to win, you also have to commit to improving your spirit, mind, and body. These distinct aspects work together to make up your whole self. And if you neglect any one of them, you limit your ability to succeed.

When you nurture every aspect of yourself, you can expect success. In the long run, paying attention to your spiritual, mental, and physical health will give you confidence, energy, and peace of mind.

1.5 用积极思维打败消极思维 (positive thinking)


If you’ve planned and prepared to win, there’s no need to worry about the outcome.

2. 问答

2.1 如何制定目标呢?

  1. Specific: 你还需要清晰地去定义这个目标。比如:「我想变得有钱」是一个模糊的目标,而「我想赚 100 w」则是一个明确的目标。

  2. Obstacles: 你需要大概知道完成目标的过程中会遇到哪些困难,假如你能提前做好准备,就去准备。比如:你知道下周的公司演讲对你来说有难度,那你就要提前去准备演讲内容。

  3. Knowledge & skills: 你要知道你应该学哪些东西才能达成你的目标,谁能够给你提供帮助和建议。

  4. Plan: 制定一个详细的计划,给自己一个完成目标的截止日期。

Look for moments that inspire vision and spark your desires.

Knowing exactly what you want provides the motivation you need to plan, prepare, and expect to win.

2.2 怎样的导师是好的导师呢?

  1. 有好的品格,比如值得信任、不自私等;
  2. 有幸福和良好的人际关系;
  3. 是一个好的倾听者,愿意给你真实(可能刺耳)的反馈意见;
  4. 有良好的决策能力;
  5. 希望看到别人成功;

To choose the right mentors, look for signs of good character, like being trustworthy and selfless.

One way you can be sure of someone’s character is if they have happy and healthy personal relationships. Mentors should be good listeners and always tell the truth – even when you don’t want to hear it. And, it helps if they have the knack for making the right decisions. Lastly, choose mentors who enjoy seeing other people succeed.

2.3 保持精神、思想、身体的全面健康

精神 spirituality


思想 mind


  1. 不断吸收新的知识:make sure you’re always absorbing new information, through observation, reading, or listening to knowledgeable people.
  2. 通过学到的知识来完成你的目标、解决你的问题:It helps to do this by setting aside dedicated time for thinking and using it to creatively apply anything you’ve recently learned.

Luna: 其实说白了还是「不断学习+学以致用」。

身体 body


When you’re physically healthy, you perform at your best and increase your chances of success.

3. 结语


  1. 找到那个「Why」,想清楚自己到底要什么,为什么想要,以及多想要;
  2. 如果你真的渴望做一件事,那么即使遇到再大的困难,你也会愿意坚持下去,把这件事做成 (no excuse);
  3. 成功者的品质:明确的、有期限的目标;达成目标的强烈欲望;坚持不懈完成承诺;寻求合适的帮助和导师;不断学习并运用知识;有健康的体魄和精神。


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