Reference: Work on What Matters
近日读到了一篇很有启发的博客,Work on what matters,博主 Will 是"An Elegant Puzzle" 和 “Staff Engineer” 的作者。
Indeed, pacing yourself becomes the central challenge of a sustained, successful career: increasingly senior roles require that you accomplish more and more, and do it in less and less time. The ledge between these two constraints gets narrower the further you go, but it remains walkable if you take a deliberate approach.
理想情况下,人们总会选择高影响力低难度(high-impact, low-effort)的工作,但这类工作一般很快就做完了,你只能选择「高影响力高难度的工作」或者「低影响力低难度的工作」。
「吃零食」指的是去做一些低影响力低难度(low-effort, low-impact)的工作,这些工作会让你看起来很忙,但其实并没有什么影响力。
In senior roles, you’re more likely to self-determine your work and if you’re not deliberately tracking your work, it’s easy to catch yourself doing little to no high-impact work.
有些公司会把 high-impact 和 high-visibility 等同起来,在这样的公司,员工只有保持足够高的曝光度,才能被领导认可为「高影响力」。
Many companies conflate high-visibility and high-impact so strongly that they can’t distinguish between preening and impact, which is why it’s not uncommon to see some companies’ senior-most engineers spend the majority of their time doing work of dubious value but that is frequently recognized in company meetings.
Tips: 在找工作的时候可以多看看公司价值是否和自己的成长目标相吻合,假如公司的高层都把精力放在紧急的事情,或者员工忠诚度上,那么你在这家公司只有满足了高层的价值需求,才能获得晋升。
作为 senior leader,你必须要控制自己「指点江山」的冲动,尤其是当你在面试这间公司时,老板可能反复跟你强调过,公司有很多问题需要你解决。
It’s surprisingly common for a new senior leader to join a company and immediately drive a strategy shift that fundamentally misunderstands the challenges at hand. The ghosts of their previous situation hold such a firm grasp on their understanding of the new company that they misjudge the familiar as the essential.
假如答案是 Yes,那么甭管别的,先把吃饭的事情搞定了再说,这就是你的 Top priority。
Instead, the most effective places to work are those that matter to your company but still have enough room to actually do work. What are priorities that will become critical in the future, where you can do great work ahead of time? Where are areas that are doing ok but could be doing great with your support?
作为 senior leader,你可能需要让别人开始重视这个问题,这也是最难完成的一项工作,但这并不意味着你要放任不管,你还是需要为之做出一些努力的。
Sometimes an area that an organization doesn’t pay attention to is so important that you’re going to want to advocate for it to start paying attention. Teaching a company to value something it doesn’t care about is considerably the hardest sort of work you can do, and it often fails, so you should do as little of it as you can, but no less. As a senior leader, you have an ethical obligation that goes beyond maximizing your company-perceived impact, but it’s important to recognize what you’re up against and time our efforts accordingly.
If you start dedicating even a couple hours a week to developing the team around you, it’s quite likely that will become your legacy long after your tech specs and pull requests are forgotten.
有时候你会发现,有些会议和讨论中,只差那么一点点就能达到目标。也许一个很有潜力的程序员就差那么一点点就能说服利益相关方,但 TA 需要额外的帮助才能完成。
With your organizational privilege, relationships you’ve built across the company, and ability to see around corners derived from your experience, you can often shift a project outcomes by investing the smallest ounce of effort, and this is some of the most valuable work you can do.